Mastodon arya's net casa - sideprojects

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binf projects
side projects





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|                                SIDE PROJECTS                                 |
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[0] Index (Listed in order of how proud I am of them.)

- Rusty Krab Manager							     [1]
- tinyjam                                                                    [2]
- thesecretpot                                                               [3] 
- African ND-GAIN Climate Change				             [4]
- Art Manager								     [5]
- Public Works								     [6]
- Baby Name Game                                                             [7]
- Ethical License					                     [8]
- Random Month Scheduler						     [9]
- Vis+Pywal								    [10]
- Shnippets								    [11]

[1] Rusty Krab Manager

A Rust TUI designed to randomly and robustly manage what you're doing. Based on
the pomodoro technique. Allows users to selectively weight different groups of
tasks based on the day of the week, and provides higher weights to events whose
due dates are closer. 

Github: aryakaul/rusty-krab-manager

[2] tinyjam

A shell script to download and play NPR Tiny Desk Concerts in a manner that I 

Github: aryakaul/tinyjam

[3] thesecretspot

Automated script to download the playlist of one of the grooviest radio shows I
have ever listened to, the secret spot

Github: aryakaul/thesecretspot

[4] African ND-GAIN Climate Change

Data visualization project for Kennedy School class on Africa's future in 
global politics. Visualizes indicator variables used by Notre Dame's Global 
Adaptation Index (ND-GAIN) to showcase climate changes' disparate effects on 
Africa and the Sahel. 

Click here!

Github: aryakaul/AfricanClimateChange-NDgain

[5] Art Manager

There is a ton of art in the world today. TOO MUCH. This is a static website 
generator so that you may log your thoughts on any art without any of these 
stupid companies selling your data for popsicles. 

This is what mine looks like

Github: aryakaul/art-manager

[6] Public Works

There are a number of excellent essays/novels/speeches/poems in the public 
domain for which no well-formatted pdf exists. Without changing the source 
material, this project simply involves me type-setting some of these works in 
a cohesive manner through Latex. If you have any suggestions for pieces to 
include, feel free to email them to me! I'm more than happy to share raw tex 
files on request.

Here they are!

[7] Baby Name Game

Do you have a friend who is having a baby? Are the friends of that friend 
interested in guessing the name of the future child? Are the friends of that 
friend interested in having a logical alignment-based score to see whose guess 
was the closest to the actual baby name?

This script first reads all names on Social Security applications from 
1880-2022 and generates a co-occurrence matrix for each character. We deem 
this substitution matrix NAMELY62.

It then calculates the Needleman-Wunsch alignment of each person's guess to 
the real baby name and computes a score for each guessed name. The winner is 
outputted at the end!

Github: aryakaul/baby-name-game

[8] Ethical License

My software license of choice. It prevents downstream users/extenders from 
using the licensed software in any applications that involve fossil fuel 
consumption, surveillance, or advertising. 

Github: aryakaul/ethical-license

[9] Random Month Scheduler

Tool to randomly schedule recurring events for a given month. Allows one to 
specify the average number of events desired for a given month, and one to 
preferentially weight weekends or weekdays to do these events on. 

Github: aryakaul/random-month-scheduler

[10] Vis + Pywal

dylanaraps/pywal is a tool to automatically generate a colorscheme from your
wallpaper. Vis (dpayne/cli-visualizer) is a tool to visualize audio streams 
from your computer. This is a simple script to automatically generate a 
colorscheme for Vis based on Pywal's chosen colors. Featured on It's FOSS.

Github: aryakaul/cli-visualizer_pywal

[11] Shnippets

A collection of shell scripts I wrote to do a variety of dumb things. 

Github: aryakaul/shnippets


Arya Kaul (C) now - forever